CSR Commitments of Brest Marinas

The Brest marinas seek to ensure their actions comply with BREST’AIM’s approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), contributing to the challenges of sustainable development by providing solutions that reconcile the development of economic activities and boating-related tourism with environmental conservation.
Our efforts and actions are based on two objectives:
Acting within our marinas and on a daily basis to ensure a more positive impact on the environment by preserving water quality in the basins and improving our technical facilities.
Sharing our knowledge and expertise in an innovative and inclusive social project thanks to the various services we offer.
BREST’AIM, committed to its CSR programme

BREST'AIM is a semi-public company recognised for its efficient management of major facilities belonging to Brest Métropole.
In carrying out the public service missions delegated to it, BREST’AIM guarantees the community that the general interest is taken into account and provides this interest with the capacity for initiative, responsiveness and flexibility through a dynamic company.
Today, several projects have already emerged:
- Bringing the careening areas of the two ports and the Moulin Blanc careening slipway up to standard.
- Communication and display on the operation of the careening slipway.
- Improved waste collection points.
- Battery recovery bins available and provision of ‘I sail, I sort’ refuse sacks in harbour offices.
- Signing of an agreement with ECODDS for the recovery of products that are dangerous for the environment.
- Switch to LED lighting in toilet blocks and on pontoon bollards.
- Dematerialisation of our invoicing system thanks to the introduction of the Portail Alizée
- Communication on the APER* and management of the dismantling chain for boats at the end of their lives (15 boats dismantled through us in xx years, preventing the risk of pollution within the ports).
*APER = National eco-organisation approved by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion to manage the dismantling and recycling of boats.
These steps have enabled us to obtain the Ports Propres (‘Clean Ports’) label for the second year running. This label validates the actions carried out by the entire marina team to limit the impact of our activities.
In a more societal approach, other actions are also conducted in Brest’s marinas:
- Hosting interns in the administrative and technical centres to boost students’ job prospects.
- Installation of water fountains connected to the city’s network in harbour offices.
- Use of recyclable and recycled carafes, glasses, cups and tumblers at corporate events.
- Partnerships with local businesses for catering and coffee breaks during our events.
- Bicycle hire for boaters visiting the ports.
- Creation of a space for social interaction on the visitor pontoon at the Marina du Château.Responsible purchasing from local suppliers.
- Collaboration with Cèdre to evaluate the degradation and absorption of pollutants in specific waste products such as polystyrene, cotton swabs, cigarette butts and biodegradable ropes.
- Collaboration with the Roscoff biological station to whom we provide access to our pontoons for regular checks on invasive species.